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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lung Cancer Alternative Treatment

In July of 1992, Sharon was diagnosed with large cell lung cancer. In September 1992, she started chemotherapy. After the chemotherapy, which didn't help, she then had deep body radiation 21 times. The radiation did not work; the tumor in her one lung was still there. Then they found a tumor on the outside of the chest; it metastasized to her neck and then the other side of her lung. She then had more chemotherapy at her own insistence. In December 1992 the doctors told her, "Sorry, there is nothing more we can do for you." Sharon's father and mother knew about the Clinic in Freeport. Her parents had been going to Grand Bahama Island for some years. They advised her to go to the clinic and find out about the cancer treatment. Sharon met with Dr. Clement who was very frank with her and made no promises about her lung cancer but said that they could visit and talk with the IAT patients in the waiting room. She did just that and was very gratified to hear the many long-term success stories from the patients themselves. On February 7, 1993, Sharon began the IAT treatment. Six months after starting IAT, the tumor disappeared and has stayed away. It is now 8 years later and Sharon remains tumor free.

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